Saturday, January 31, 2009

Social Darwinism Can Suck It!

(For best effect, imagine Tina Fey or Kathy Griffin announcing title)
This fascinating article reveals a side of Charles Darwin rarely talked about - that which detested slavery and rigorously pursued the idea of the common kinship of mankind. I mean, Darwin was an awesome guy (the ship he was on was called the Beagle. Who else was a beagle? Snoopy. Snoopy = Cool Joe, therefore, Darwin = Cool Joe, Q.E.D). "Darwin's Sacred Cause," a biography by Adrian Desmond and James Moore, describes how Darwin's hatred of slavery and desire for equality helped foster the scientific spirit that led him to become the "father of evolution" (to be clear, Russell Wallace was really the co-founder of evolutionary theory, but the poor guy gets so little publicity). I'm by no means an expert on Darwin's life, but it does seem likely that an engagement in social issues would be a strong motivation to seek the truth through science. In short, Darwin was one awesome scientific pioneer.
Also, February 12th is Darwin's 200th birthday! Props dude!